Our Story


We pride ourselves in quality products and personal
service. Every order is a special order.
Phone orders daily 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Sunday Delivery


Ordering fresh flowers or a flower arrangement for someone special ?
We custom design the freshest flowers to make memories.
Never a floral service fee call direct 402-991-7836


Interested in an Orchid? From Dancing Ladies to enchanting Lady Slippers and elegant Phalaenopsis we have the biggest variety of orchids in Omaha. Our inventory is continually changing and always gorgeous. How about an orchid that has a scent of chocolate? Or Psychopsis Mendenhall, whose bloom can last years.

How about a Tropical Plant? Our plants look different because they are different. Tropicals purchased from us are much different from tropicals purchased at national chains and discount stores. The Plant House sells and installs tropical plants cultivated for Interiorscaping and not outdoor landscaping in southern climates. Our exterior shrubs, trees and perennials are selected specifically for the "unique Omaha" climate. Not all plants sold in many garden centers are truly the best choice for our USDA zone. At The Plant House we do the research based on knowledge and experience to bring you the best plant choices so you can have beautiful thriving plants indoors or outside.

Interior plants keep your home & office green
We offer only top grade
Tropical plants, Orchids, Cacti, Succulents,
Bromiliads, Carnivores and Bonsai; as well as exterior shrubs, trees and
ornamentals. In addition we have Dyna-Gro plant care products,
accessories, and gifts.

Interior and Exterior Plant locating services
Rare, unusual or just something you can't seem to find, ask us and we will do our best to locate a plant for you from one of our select suppliers. We have great
resources from Florida to Missouri, California to Hawaii. Need a houseplant you used to have? A gift for someone special? A specific Japanese Maple tree? Just call and let us know what your looking for.